* Mothers come back from Land and feed their Chicks .
* The mothers feed their chicks by Puting out the fish in the mouth .
* Now it is the dads turn to go out to and find fish .
* Just before the father penguins hop in the sea they see a leopard seal .
* Sadly, one penguin gets by a leopard seal.
Ritua am watching the movie on the Penquin did you notice the same penquin when you visited Kelly Dalton I look at the one walking around like the Boss dictating around the Penquins, the scary one is when the seal chase the one that jumped into the sea oh dear they run after the other very quickly in a team finding way to survive from the giant seal and other enemies in the sea. keep up
Ritua its good to see you are learnning about nature.
Ritua am watching the movie on the Penquin did you notice the same penquin when you visited Kelly Dalton I look at the one walking around like the Boss dictating around the Penquins, the scary one is when the seal chase the one that jumped into the sea oh dear they run after the other very quickly in a team finding way to survive from the giant seal and other enemies in the sea. keep up